±¾Ìû×îºóÓÉ Ä«Ã÷ç÷Ãî ÓÚ 2017-7-16 23:39 ±à¼
Unofficial build of LineageOS 13 (Android 6.0.1) for the TIT-AL00
This rom is based on B158 the first TIT-AL00 modell
Rom is not tested on TIT-CL10 or TIT-TL00 !!
Working:- All Sensor
- Audio and A2DP
- Bluetooth
- BT, USB, WiFi Tethering
- Camera and Video
- External SD
- Live Display
- RIL for SMS/Calls/Internet/dual sim
- ROOT is include
- Vibration
- WiFi
- Wireless display (wifi direct/cast)
Not working yet:- FM Radio
- CDMA ril
- Selinux enforced
BUGs:- sometimes notification led not working
- no LTE after enable/disable flight mode (works well if you use only 1 sim)
- snapchat video record problems