Image Search Path: D:\ROM
RAWPROGRAM file path: D:\ROM\rawprogram_recovery.xml
PATCH file path :\ROM\rawprogram_recovery.xml
Start Download
Program Path :\ROM\prog_emmc_ufs_firehose_Sdm660_lite.elf
Binary build date: May 13 2015 @ 14:41:37
QSAHARASERVER CALLED LIKE THIS: 'C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\QSaharaServer.exe -p \\.\COM3 -s 13 :\ROM\prog_emmc_ufs_firehose_Sdm660_lite.elf 'Current working dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Qualcomm\QFIL
Sahara mappings:
2: amss.mbn
6: apps.mbn
8: dsp1.mbn
10: dbl.mbn
11: osbl.mbn
12: dsp2.mbn
16: efs1.mbn
17: efs2.mbn
20: efs3.mbn
21: sbl1.mbn
22: sbl2.mbn
23: rpm.mbn
25: tz.mbn
28: dsp3.mbn
29: acdb.mbn
30: wdt.mbn
31: mba.mbn
13: D:\ROM\prog_emmc_ufs_firehose_Sdm660_lite.elf
07:18:19: Requested ID 13, file: "D:\ROM\prog_emmc_ufs_firehose_Sdm660_lite.elf"
07:18:19: 627384 bytes transferred in 0.234000 seconds (2.5569MBps)
07:18:19: File transferred successfully
07:18:19: Sahara protocol completed
Sending Programmer Finished
Switch To FireHose
Wait for 3 seconds...
Max Payload Size to Target:49152 Bytes
Device Type:eMMC
Disable Ack Raw Data Every N Packets
Skip Write:False
Always Validate:False
Use Verbose:False
Binary build date: Jun 3 2015 @ 17:12:06
Build version: 15.06.
C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin\fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\COM3 --sendxml=rawprogram_recovery.xml --search_path=D:\ROM --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=eMMC
07:18:23: INFO: Current working dir (cwd): C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Qualcomm\QFIL\
07:18:23: INFO: Showing network mappings to allow debugging
07:18:23: INFO:
07:18:23: INFO: Trying to store 'rawprogram_recovery.xml' in string table
07:18:23: INFO: Looking for file 'rawprogram_recovery.xml'
07:18:23: INFO: User wants to talk to port '\\.\COM3'
07:18:23: INFO: Took 0.00000000 seconds to open port
07:18:23: INFO: Sorting TAGS to ensure order is <configure>,<erase>, others, <patch>,<power>
07:18:23: INFO: If you don't want this, use --dontsorttags
07:18:23: INFO: Looking for file 'recovery.img'
__ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _
\ \ /\ / / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
\ V V / (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| |
\_/\_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
__/ |
07:18:23: WARNING: Couldn't find the file 'recovery.img', returning NULL
| ___|
| |__ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __
| __| '__| '__/ _ \| '__|
| |__| | | | | (_) | |
\____/_| |_| \___/|_|
07:18:23: {ERROR: 'recovery.img' not found. You could possibly try --notfiles=recovery.img,OtherFileToSkip.bin (note, exiting since you specified --noprompt)}
Writing log to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Qualcomm\QFIL\port_trace.txt', might take a minute
Log is 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Qualcomm\QFIL\port_trace.txt'
Download Fail:FireHose Fail FHLoader Fail rocess fail
Finish Download