1. Tons of updates from lineage:
- Thermal conf updated
- Unused services removed
- Widewine/drm updated from Marlin
- Bluetooth and WiFi from Gemini (better battery life now)
- msm_irqbalance removed, not needed
- Doze updates
- Selinux updates
- Several bug fixes, and improvements
All of this is mostly from @ThE_MarD btw
(BlackScreen 5.2)
2. Did a fresh rebase on android linux stable
3. Latest caf tag and wifi driver
4. Updated to Linux 3.18.115
5. Removed dynamic fsync, replaced it with franco's fsync toggle, every kernel dev that I talked to said that dynamic fsync is bad
6. @KuranKaname Added several performance, battery life, and stability improvements, as well several optimizations
7. Removed the state notifier, was just really bad quality, and not really needed
8. Removed a bunch of unneeded commits that were causing issues
9. Unlocking is now much faster (with and without the fingerprint)
10. Several updates from lineage (f2fs updates, camera updates, bug fixes. various improvements)
11. @KuranKaname Overclocked the panel to 60hz for the overclocked build
(forgot to mention that the July patch was merged with the previous update)
12. OmniJaws updated
13. Lots of bug fixes, and improvements
I highly recommend wiping the system for this update as there are many changes
If you have any issue with the camera, try wiping the app data for the camera app
If you have any fingerprint issues, remove the saved fingerprints and then add them back |