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[求助] 1.Question (5 x6-30)IFor a h igh speed beor ng used in h eh speed passenger cars

发表于 2018-1-5 10:05:28 From QQ | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.Question (5 x6-30)IFor a h igh speed beor ng used in h eh speed passenger cars,please list the falure modes (nt least3 types).2) For 2 fracturedi ‘a Asl af conecting rod by fatiguc,the factare morpboiogies have twp tplealcharacter stics of sand ten :h marks and stiticns,P lcase describe the differances.3) As the most com m on frai wre typeof bnidze,explan the dominant features oi du :tile and buitlefractu re?4) How todetem ne theasid ual stress ofaweld join:and how tomodify the stressd isuitn iticmn?5) Draw the low-cycle atigue and high cycle tatigue curves of a ful y ac.nealed Cu al oy.and deduce the frachure types.Estimalc the plasticfractue te; CF orp hoiogies2.Analyze thedeformation leve! and ec aoncethe pistic stain.(13)
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