on early-init
# Set init and its forked children's oom_adj.
write /proc/1/oom_adj -16
start ueventd
write /proc/bootprof "INIT: usr/eng build setting"
# create mountpoints
mkdir /mnt 0775 root system
mkdir /mnt/sdcard 0000 system system
mkdir /mnt/sdcard2 0000 system system
on init
sysclktz 0
loglevel 3
# setup the global environment
export PATH /sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /vendor/lib:/system/lib
export ANDROID_ROOT /system
export ANDROID_DATA /data
export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /mnt/sdcard
export LOOP_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/obb
# Backward compatibility
symlink /system/etc /etc
symlink /sys/kernel/debug /d
# Right now vendor lives on the same filesystem as system,
# but someday that may change.
symlink /system/vendor /vendor
# Create cgroup mount point for cpu accounting
mkdir /acct
mount cgroup none /acct cpuacct
mkdir /acct/uid
#disable USB function until sets sys.usb.com_config
write /sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/cmode 0
# adbd is controlled via property triggers in init.<platform>.usb.rc
service adbd /sbin/adbd
class core
# Backwards Compat - XXX: Going away in G*
symlink /mnt/sdcard /sdcard
mkdir /system
mkdir /data 0771 system system
mkdir /config 0500 root root
# Filesystem image public mount points.
mkdir /mnt/obb 0700 root system
mount tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/obb mode=0755,gid=1000
write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1
write /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs 0
write /proc/cpu/alignment 4
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns 10000000
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns 2000000
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield 1
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first 0
on fs
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
write /proc/bootprof "INIT:NAND:Mount_START"
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev
write /proc/bootprof "INIT:NAND:Mount_END"
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
exec /sbin/e2fsck -p [url=]/emmc@android[/url]
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
#mount ext4 emmc@android /system commit=1,data=journal,noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 emmc@android /system commit=1,noauto_da_alloc
mkdir /system/secro 0600 system system
mount ext4 emmc@android /system noatime ro remount
exec /sbin/e2fsck -pfD [url=]/emmc@usrdata[/url]
exec /sbin/tune2fs -O has_journal [url=]/emmc@usrdata[/url]
mount ext4 emmc@usrdata /data noatime nosuid nodev commit=1,nodelalloc,noauto_da_alloc
chown system system /system/data
mkdir /system/cache 0770 system cache
exec /sbin/e2fsck -p [url=]/emmc@cache[/url]
exec /sbin/tune2fs -O has_journal [url=]/emmc@cache[/url]
mount ext4 emmc@cache /cache noatime nosuid nodev noauto_da_alloc
on post-fs
# once everything is setup, no need to modify /
mount rootfs rootfs / ro remount
# We chown/chmod /data again so because mount is run as root + defaults
chown system system /system/data
chmod 0777 /system/data
# Same reason as /data above
chown system cache /cache
chmod 0770 /cache
mkdir /cache/recovery 0770 system system
#mount yaffs2 mtd@nvram /nvram nandboot
mount ext4 [url=]/emmc@sec_ro[/url] /system/secro
mount ext4 [url=]/emmc@sec_ro[/url] /system/secro ro remount
# This may have been created by the recovery system with odd permissions
chown system cache /cache/recovery
chmod 0770 /cache/recovery
#change permissions on vmallocinfo so we can grab it from bugreports
chown root log /proc/vmallocinfo
chmod 0440 /proc/vmallocinfo
#change permissions on kmsg & sysrq-trigger so bugreports can grab kthread stacks
chown root system /proc/kmsg
chmod 0440 /proc/kmsg
chown root system /proc/sysrq-trigger
chmod 0220 /proc/sysrq-trigger
# create basic filesystem structure
mkdir /data/nvram 0770 root nvram
mkdir /data/misc 01771 system misc
mkdir /data/misc/bluetoothd 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
mkdir /data/misc/bluetooth 0770 system system
mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0700 keystore keystore
mkdir /data/misc/keychain 0771 system system
mkdir /data/misc/vpn 0770 system vpn
mkdir /data/misc/systemkeys 0700 system system
# give system access to wpa_supplicant.conf for backup and restore
mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
chmod 0660 /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
mkdir /data/local 0771 shell shell
mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell
mkdir /data/data 0771 system system
mkdir /data/app-private 0771 system system
mkdir /data/app 0771 system system
mkdir /data/property 0700 root root
# create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions
mkdir /data/lost+found 0770
mkdir /cache/lost+found 0770
# double check the perms, in case lost+found already exists, and set owner
chown root root /data/lost+found
chmod 0770 /data/lost+found
chown root root /cache/lost+found
chmod 0770 /cache/lost+found
# dhcp server
mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp
# load driver base driver
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_drvb_75.ko
mknod /dev/drvb c 176 0
chmod 0666 /dev/drvb
## Custom pos-fs area (START)
# Please add custom fs operation below
# MT6620 related modules and character device nodes (Begin)
#/dev/ttyMT2 for 6620_launcher
chmod 0666 /dev/ttyMT2
chown system system /dev/ttyMT2
# Turn on MT6620 by default
chmod 0666 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
chown system system /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
write sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state 1
chmod 0666 /dev/ttyMT1
chown system system /dev/ttyMT1
# STP, WMT, GPS, FM and BT Driver
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_hif_sdio.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_wmt.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_uart.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_gps.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_bt.ko
#/*BEGIN PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
#insmod /system/lib/modules/mt6620_fm_drv.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_fm_drv.ko
#/*END PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_fm_priv.ko
# CMMB Driver
insmod /system/lib/modules/cmmbdrv.ko
# Create char device file for WMT, GPS, BT, FM
mknod /dev/stpwmt c 190 0;
mknod /dev/stpgps c 191 0;
mknod /dev/stpbt c 192 0;
mknod /dev/fm c 193 0;
chmod 0660 /dev/stpwmt
chown system system /dev/stpwmt
# BT
chmod 0660 /dev/stpbt
chown bluetooth radio /dev/stpbt
# FM Radio device, FIXME: this is not a proper way to set permissions
chmod 0666 /dev/fm
chmod 0666 /dev/gps
chmod 0660 /dev/stpgps
# WiFi
mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/misc/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp
chmod 0660 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1/state
chown wifi system /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1/state
# Turn off wifi by default
write /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1/state 0
# Load WiFi Driver (factory mode application does the stuff)
#insmod /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
# MT6620 related modules and character device nodes (Begin)
# Touch Panel
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_calmat
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_debounce_time
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_debug/parameters/tpd_em_log
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_debug/parameters/tpd_em_log_to_fs
chmod 0777 /dev/pmem_multimedia
chmod 0777 /dev/mt6516-isp
chmod 0777 /dev/mt6516-IDP
chmod 0777 /dev/mt9p012
chmod 0777 /dev/mt6516_jpeg
chmod 0777 /dev/FM50AF
mkdir /data/misc/rtc 0777 system system
# Modem related device nodes
mkdir /data/nvram/md 0770 root nvram
insmod /system/lib/modules/ccci_plat.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ccci.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ccmni.ko
mknod /dev/ccci c 184 0
mknod /dev/ccci_fs c 178 0
mknod /dev/ccci_sys_rx c 184 2
mknod /dev/ccci_sys_tx c 184 3
mknod /dev/ccci_pcm_rx c 184 4
mknod /dev/ccci_pcm_tx c 184 5
# mknod /dev/ccci_uart1_rx c 184 6
# mknod /dev/ccci_uart1_rx_ack c 184 7
mknod /dev/ccci_ipc_1220_0 c 183 0
mknod /dev/ccci_uem_rx c 184 18
mknod /dev/ccci_uem_tx c 184 19
chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_uem_rx
chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_uem_tx
mknod /dev/ccci_md_log_rx c 184 42
mknod /dev/ccci_md_log_tx c 184 43
chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_md_log_rx
chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_md_log_tx
chmod 0666 /dev/ccci
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_fs
chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_pcm_rx
chmod 0666 /dev/ccci_pcm_tx
chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_sys_rx
chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_sys_tx
chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_uart1_rx
chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_uart1_rx_ack
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyC0
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_ipc_1220_0
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyC1
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyC2
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_fs
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_sys_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_sys_tx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_pcm_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_pcm_tx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_uem_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_uem_tx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_ipc_1220_0
chown ccci ccci /dev/ttyC0
chown ccci ccci /dev/ttyC1
chown ccci ccci /dev/ttyC2
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_md_log_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_md_log_tx
chown ccci ccci /sys/class/BOOT/BOOT/boot/md
# M4U
insmod /system/lib/modules/m4u.ko
mknod /dev/M4U_device c 188 0
chmod 0666 /dev/M4U_device
# Sensor
chmod 0666 /dev/hwmsensor
chmod 0666 /dev/msensor
chmod 0666 /dev/gsensor
chmod 0666 /dev/alsps
insmod /system/lib/modules/mt6575_vcodec_kernel_driver.ko
mknod /dev/MT6575_Vcodec c 160 0
chmod 0666 /dev/MT6575_MFlexVideo
mkdir /data/amit/
mkdir /data/misc/sensors 0777 system system
mkdir /data/misc/akmd 0777 compass compass
chown system /sys/class/input/input4/enable
chown system /sys/class/input/input4/delay
chown system /sys/class/input/input4/wake
chown system /sys/class/input/input2/enable
chown system /sys/class/input/input2/wake
chown compass /sys/class/input/input3/offsets
chmod 0666 /dev/mtgpio
chmod 0660 /dev/otp
chown root nvram /dev/otp
## Custom pos_fs area (END)
on boot
# basic network init
ifup lo
hostname localhost
domainname localdomain
# Define RIL properties
setprop rild.nw.operlist /system/etc/ril/oper.lis
chmod 0750 /system/bin/mtk_agpsd
chown system system /system/bin/mtk_agpsd
# Start default class, this line is very important!!
class_start default
start sdcard
## Daemon processes to be run by init.
# Update the second boot logo
# service bootlogoupdater /system/bin/boot_logo_updater
# oneshot
service ueventd /sbin/ueventd
class core
service console /system/bin/sh
class core
user root
group log
on property:ro.debuggable=1
start console
## Custom service area (START)
# Please add custom service below
service ccci_fsd /system/bin/ccci_fsd
user ccci
group nvram ccci system
service ccci_mdinit /system/bin/ccci_mdinit
user system
group ccci system
service mdlogger /system/bin/mdlogger
service nvram_daemon /system/bin/nvram_daemon
user root
group nvram
# MT6620 related services (Begin)
#/*BEGIN PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
#service 6620_launcher /system/bin/6620_launcher 4000000
# user system
# group system
# oneshot
service 6620_launcher /system/bin/6620_launcher -m 1 -b 4000000 -p /system/etc/firmware/ -d /dev/ttyMT2
user root
group root
service stp_dump /system/bin/stp_dump3
user root
group root
#/*END PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
#service hald /system/bin/hald
# class main
# socket hald stream 0660 root system
#service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
# group wifi
# disabled
# oneshot
# MT6620 related services (End)
## Custom service area (END)
on property:sys.usb.com_config=0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial $ro.serialno
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 0bb4
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 0005
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_acm/instances 1
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions mass_storage,adb,acm
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
write /sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/cmode 1
start adbd
on property:sys.usb.com_config=1
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial " "
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 0e8d
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2007
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_acm/instances 1
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions acm
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass 02
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
write /sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/cmode 1
service factory /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/factory
on early-init
# Set init and its forked children's oom_adj.
write /proc/1/oom_adj -16
start ueventd
write /proc/bootprof "INIT: usr/eng build setting"
# create mountpoints
mkdir /mnt 0775 root system
mkdir /mnt/sdcard 0000 system system
mkdir /mnt/sdcard2 0000 system system
on init
sysclktz 0
loglevel 3
# setup the global environment
export PATH /sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /vendor/lib:/system/lib
export ANDROID_ROOT /system
export ANDROID_DATA /data
export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /mnt/sdcard
export LOOP_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/obb
# Backward compatibility
symlink /system/etc /etc
symlink /sys/kernel/debug /d
# Right now vendor lives on the same filesystem as system,
# but someday that may change.
symlink /system/vendor /vendor
# Create cgroup mount point for cpu accounting
mkdir /acct
mount cgroup none /acct cpuacct
mkdir /acct/uid
#disable USB function until sets sys.usb.com_config
write /sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/cmode 0
# adbd is controlled via property triggers in init.<platform>.usb.rc
service adbd /sbin/adbd
class core
# Backwards Compat - XXX: Going away in G*
symlink /mnt/sdcard /sdcard
mkdir /system
mkdir /data 0771 system system
mkdir /config 0500 root root
# Filesystem image public mount points.
mkdir /mnt/obb 0700 root system
mount tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/obb mode=0755,gid=1000
write /proc/sys/kernel/panic_on_oops 1
write /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs 0
write /proc/cpu/alignment 4
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns 10000000
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns 2000000
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield 1
write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first 0
on fs
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
write /proc/bootprof "INIT:NAND:Mount_START"
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system
mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 mtd@cache /cache nosuid nodev
write /proc/bootprof "INIT:NAND:Mount_END"
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
exec /sbin/e2fsck -p [url=]/emmc@android[/url]
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
#mount ext4 emmc@android /system commit=1,data=journal,noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 emmc@android /system commit=1,noauto_da_alloc
mkdir /system/secro 0600 system system
mount ext4 emmc@android /system noatime ro remount
exec /sbin/e2fsck -pfD [url=]/emmc@usrdata[/url]
exec /sbin/tune2fs -O has_journal [url=]/emmc@usrdata[/url]
mount ext4 emmc@usrdata /data noatime nosuid nodev commit=1,nodelalloc,noauto_da_alloc
chown system system /system/data
mkdir /system/cache 0770 system cache
exec /sbin/e2fsck -p [url=]/emmc@cache[/url]
exec /sbin/tune2fs -O has_journal [url=]/emmc@cache[/url]
mount ext4 emmc@cache /cache noatime nosuid nodev noauto_da_alloc
on post-fs
# once everything is setup, no need to modify /
mount rootfs rootfs / ro remount
# We chown/chmod /data again so because mount is run as root + defaults
chown system system /system/data
chmod 0777 /system/data
# Same reason as /data above
chown system cache /cache
chmod 0770 /cache
mkdir /cache/recovery 0770 system system
#mount yaffs2 mtd@nvram /nvram nandboot
mount ext4 [url=]/emmc@sec_ro[/url] /system/secro
mount ext4 [url=]/emmc@sec_ro[/url] /system/secro ro remount
# This may have been created by the recovery system with odd permissions
chown system cache /cache/recovery
chmod 0770 /cache/recovery
#change permissions on vmallocinfo so we can grab it from bugreports
chown root log /proc/vmallocinfo
chmod 0440 /proc/vmallocinfo
#change permissions on kmsg & sysrq-trigger so bugreports can grab kthread stacks
chown root system /proc/kmsg
chmod 0440 /proc/kmsg
chown root system /proc/sysrq-trigger
chmod 0220 /proc/sysrq-trigger
# create basic filesystem structure
mkdir /data/nvram 0770 root nvram
mkdir /data/misc 01771 system misc
mkdir /data/misc/bluetoothd 0770 bluetooth bluetooth
mkdir /data/misc/bluetooth 0770 system system
mkdir /data/misc/keystore 0700 keystore keystore
mkdir /data/misc/keychain 0771 system system
mkdir /data/misc/vpn 0770 system vpn
mkdir /data/misc/systemkeys 0700 system system
# give system access to wpa_supplicant.conf for backup and restore
mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
chmod 0660 /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
mkdir /data/local 0771 shell shell
mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell
mkdir /data/data 0771 system system
mkdir /data/app-private 0771 system system
mkdir /data/app 0771 system system
mkdir /data/property 0700 root root
# create the lost+found directories, so as to enforce our permissions
mkdir /data/lost+found 0770
mkdir /cache/lost+found 0770
# double check the perms, in case lost+found already exists, and set owner
chown root root /data/lost+found
chmod 0770 /data/lost+found
chown root root /cache/lost+found
chmod 0770 /cache/lost+found
# dhcp server
mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp
# load driver base driver
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_drvb_75.ko
mknod /dev/drvb c 176 0
chmod 0666 /dev/drvb
## Custom pos-fs area (START)
# Please add custom fs operation below
# MT6620 related modules and character device nodes (Begin)
#/dev/ttyMT2 for 6620_launcher
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyMT2
chown system system /dev/ttyMT2
# Turn on MT6620 by default
chmod 0666 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
chown system system /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
write sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state 1
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyMT1
chown system system /dev/ttyMT1
# STP, WMT, GPS, FM and BT Driver
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_hif_sdio.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_wmt.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_uart.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_gps.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_bt.ko
#/*BEGIN PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
#insmod /system/lib/modules/mt6620_fm_drv.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_fm_drv.ko
#/*END PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
insmod /system/lib/modules/mtk_fm_priv.ko
# CMMB Driver
insmod /system/lib/modules/cmmbdrv.ko
# Create char device file for WMT, GPS, BT, FM
mknod /dev/stpwmt c 190 0;
mknod /dev/stpgps c 191 0;
mknod /dev/stpbt c 192 0;
mknod /dev/fm c 193 0;
chmod 0660 /dev/stpwmt
chown system system /dev/stpwmt
# BT
chmod 0660 /dev/stpbt
chown bluetooth radio /dev/stpbt
# FM Radio device, FIXME: this is not a proper way to set permissions
chmod 0666 /dev/fm
chmod 0666 /dev/gps
chmod 0660 /dev/stpgps
# WiFi
mkdir /data/misc/wifi 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/misc/wifi/sockets 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/misc/wpa_supplicant 0770 wifi wifi
mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp
chmod 0660 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1/state
chown wifi system /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1/state
# Turn off wifi by default
write /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1/state 0
# Load WiFi Driver (factory mode application does the stuff)
#insmod /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
# MT6620 related modules and character device nodes (Begin)
# Touch Panel
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_calmat
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_setting/parameters/tpd_em_debounce_time
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_debug/parameters/tpd_em_log
chown root diag /sys/module/tpd_debug/parameters/tpd_em_log_to_fs
chmod 0777 /dev/pmem_multimedia
chmod 0777 /dev/mt6516-isp
chmod 0777 /dev/mt6516-IDP
chmod 0777 /dev/mt9p012
chmod 0777 /dev/mt6516_jpeg
chmod 0777 /dev/FM50AF
mkdir /data/misc/rtc 0777 system system
# Modem related device nodes
mkdir /data/nvram/md 0770 root nvram
insmod /system/lib/modules/ccci_plat.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ccci.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/ccmni.ko
# mknod /dev/ccci c 184 0
mknod /dev/ccci_fs c 178 0
mknod /dev/ccci_sys_rx c 184 2
mknod /dev/ccci_sys_tx c 184 3
mknod /dev/ccci_pcm_rx c 184 4
mknod /dev/ccci_pcm_tx c 184 5
# mknod /dev/ccci_uart1_rx c 184 6
# mknod /dev/ccci_uart1_rx_ack c 184 7
mknod /dev/ccci_ipc_1220_0 c 183 0
mknod /dev/ccci_uem_rx c 184 18
mknod /dev/ccci_uem_tx c 184 19
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_uem_rx
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_uem_tx
mknod /dev/ccci_md_log_rx c 184 42
mknod /dev/ccci_md_log_tx c 184 43
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_md_log_rx
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_md_log_tx
# chmod 0666 /dev/ccci
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_fs
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_pcm_rx
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_pcm_tx
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_sys_rx
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_sys_tx
# chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_uart1_rx
# chmod 0600 /dev/ccci_uart1_rx_ack
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyC0
chmod 0660 /dev/ccci_ipc_1220_0
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyC1
chmod 0660 /dev/ttyC2
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_fs
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_sys_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_sys_tx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_pcm_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_pcm_tx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_uem_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_uem_tx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_ipc_1220_0
chown ccci ccci /dev/ttyC0
chown ccci ccci /dev/ttyC1
chown ccci ccci /dev/ttyC2
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_md_log_rx
chown ccci ccci /dev/ccci_md_log_tx
chown ccci ccci /sys/class/BOOT/BOOT/boot/md
# M4U
insmod /system/lib/modules/m4u.ko
mknod /dev/M4U_device c 188 0
chmod 0666 /dev/M4U_device
# Sensor
chmod 0666 /dev/hwmsensor
chmod 0666 /dev/msensor
chmod 0666 /dev/gsensor
chmod 0666 /dev/alsps
insmod /system/lib/modules/mt6575_vcodec_kernel_driver.ko
mknod /dev/MT6575_Vcodec c 160 0
chmod 0666 /dev/MT6575_MFlexVideo
mkdir /data/amit/
chmod 0666 /dev/mtgpio
chmod 0660 /dev/otp
chown root nvram /dev/otp
## Custom pos_fs area (END)
on boot
# basic network init
ifup lo
hostname localhost
domainname localdomain
# Define RIL properties
setprop rild.nw.operlist /system/etc/ril/oper.lis
chmod 0750 /system/bin/mtk_agpsd
chown system system /system/bin/mtk_agpsd
# Start default class, this line is very important!!
class_start default
start sdcard
## Daemon processes to be run by init.
# Update the second boot logo
# service bootlogoupdater /system/bin/boot_logo_updater
# oneshot
service ueventd /sbin/ueventd
class core
service console /system/bin/sh
class core
user root
group log
on property:ro.debuggable=1
start console
## Custom service area (START)
# Please add custom service below
service ccci_fsd /system/bin/ccci_fsd
user ccci
group nvram ccci system
service ccci_mdinit /system/bin/ccci_mdinit
user system
group ccci system
service mdlogger /system/bin/mdlogger
service nvram_daemon /system/bin/nvram_daemon
user root
group nvram
# MT6620 related services (Begin)
#/*BEGIN PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
#service 6620_launcher /system/bin/6620_launcher 4000000
# user system
# group system
# oneshot
service 6620_launcher /system/bin/6620_launcher -m 1 -b 4000000 -p /system/etc/firmware/ -d /dev/ttyMT2
user root
group root
service stp_dump /system/bin/stp_dump3
user root
group root
#/*END PN:SPBB-160 modified by j00212061 on 20120726*/
#service hald /system/bin/hald
# class main
# socket hald stream 0660 root system
#service wpa_supplicant /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
# group wifi
# disabled
# oneshot
# MT6620 related services (End)
## Custom service area (END)
on property:sys.usb.com_config=0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial $ro.serialno
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 0bb4
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 0005
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_acm/instances 1
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions mass_storage,adb,acm
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
write /sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/cmode 1
start adbd
on property:sys.usb.com_config=1
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial " "
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 0e8d
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 2007
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_acm/instances 1
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions acm
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass 02
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
write /sys/devices/platform/mt_usb/cmode 1
service factory /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/factory